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Li Qingzhao: Setting Sun Like Gold

Setting Sun Like Gold

永 遇 乐
落 日 熔 金, 暮 云 合 璧
人 在 何 处?
染 柳 烟 浓, 吹 梅 笛 怨
春 意 知 几 许?
元 宵 佳 节, 融 和 天 气
次 第 岂 无 风 雨?
来 相 召, 香 车 宝 马
谢 他 酒 朋 诗 侣。
中 州 盛 日, 闺 门 多 暇
记 得 偏 重 三 五。
铺 翠 冠 儿, 捻 金 雪 柳
簇 带 争 济 楚。
如 今 樵 悴, 风 鬟 霜 鬓
怕 见 夜 间 出 去。
不 如 向, 帘 儿 底 下
听 人 笑 语。


Yong Yu Le

Luo ri rong jin, mu yun he bi
Ren zai he chu?
Ran liu yan nong, chui mei di yuan
Chun yi zhi ji xu?

Yuan xiao jia jie, rong he tian qi
Ci de qi tian feng yu?
Lai xiang zhao, xiang che bao ma
Xie ta jiu peng shi lu.

Zhong zhou sheng ri, gui men duo xia
Ji de pian chong san wu.
Pu cui guan er, nian jin xue liu
Cu dai zheng ji chu.

Ru jin qiao cui, feng huan shuang bin
Pa jian ye jian chu qu.
Bu ru xiang, lian er di xia
Ting ren xiao yu.


Setting Sun Like Melting Gold: (Forever Receive Happiness)

Setting sun like melting gold
Sunset clouds join harmoniously
Where am I now?
Thick willow trees and flowered-colored mists
Bamboo flute music
How many promises left for spring expectations?

Happy festival time for Lantern Day
Warm and genial weather
Isn’t it possible for the future to be windy and rainy?

Arriving together, fragrant carriages and horses of the rich
I say “No thanks.” to these wine-drinking and poetry-writing friends.

Zhongzhou hometown days of energy and joy
Many secluded maidens under arch-topped doors
Remember especially these days over and over
Time to wear kingfisher-feathered hats
Twist in fingertips the willow fluffs to make golden decorations
Competing female fashions beautiful.

Nowadays feel ill and emaciated
Hair matted and frazzled, temple hair white
Bothers me to see such extravagance while our country shrinks
Not like the reality below the curtain hems
Hear people and their happy words.



Lantern Day Festival:  The fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Always occurs at the first full moon of the lunar year. There are many legends and stories surrounding this festival.

Zhongzhou: Located near the modern city of Chongqing

Arch-topped doors: A woman’s boudoir

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