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Lu Yu: Double Ninth Festival

Double Ninth Festival

重 阳
照 江 丹 叶 一 林 霜
折 得 黄 花 更 断 肠。
商 略 此 时 须 痛 饮
细 腰 宫 畔 过 重 阳。
Chong Yang

Zhao jiang dan ye yi lin shuang
Zhe de huang hua geng duan chang.                                                                                Shang lue ci shi xu tong yin
Xi yao gong pan guo chong yang.


Double Ninth Festival

Reflective river of red leaves and a forest of frost
Ask for the broken remnants of some yellow flowers.

Reflect upon this season, must have a lot of wine
If parked next to the Chu palace, could enjoy the thin-waisted dancers.



Double Ninth Festival : The ninth day of the ninth lunar month where the customs include climbing a high mountain, drinking chrysanthemum wine, wearing the plant zhuyu, and visiting the graves of the ancestors.

Yellow flowers: Chrysanthemums

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