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Lu Yu: Encounter a Light Rain Along the Sword Gate Highway

Encounter a Light Rain Along the Sword Gate Highway

剑 门 道 中 遇 微 雨
衣 上 征 尘 杂 酒 痕
远 游 无 处 不 销 魂。
此 身 合 是 诗 人 未?
细 雨 骑 驴 入 剑 门。
Jian Men Dao Zhong Yu Wei Yu

Yi shang zheng chen za jiu hen
Yuan you wu chu bu xiao hun.                                                                                                Ci shen he shi shi ren wei?
Xi yu qi lu ru jian men.


Encounter a Light Rain Along the Sword Gate Highway

On a long journey, dust and various wine stains upon my clothes
Travel far away without a long rest, not overwhelmed with joy.

This life has yet to conform to those writing poetry
Light rain as I enter Sword Gate straddling my donkey.



Straddling my donkey: Refers to a story about a man from the Tang Dynasty. He complained about being too occupied trying to control his donkey instead of writing poetry. A donkey could be, at a minimum, a metaphor for stubborn people and/or circumstances, or the pettiness of others.

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