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Lu Yu: Evening Sky Clearing to See the Moon

Evening Sky Clearing to See the Moon

霁 夜 观 月
云 重 真 愁 无 散 时
可 怜 不 奈 一 风 吹。
清 辉 如 此 那 休 得?
谁 误 虚 空 作 许 痴?
Ji Ye Guan Yue

Yun chong zhen chou wu san shi
Ke lian bu nai yi feng chui.                                                                                                      Qing hui ru ci na xiu de?
Shei wu xu kong zuo xu chi?


Evening Sky Clearing to See the Moon

Melancholy waiting for the time when the clouds totally break up
However, can sympathize those without the wind blowing.

How can my clear and radiant glow be denied
Whose mistake is it going crazy on empty promises?



While at home, Lu Yu discovered that the jealous man who scored second in the exams as described in a previous poem, had actually lied to the authorities about his circumstances.

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