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Ouyang Xiu: Nearby My Heart: (Reduced Words For the Tree Orchid Flowers)

Nearby My Heart: (Reduced Words For the Tree Orchid Flowers)


年 来 方 寸: 减 字 木 兰 花
年 来 方 寸。
十 日 幽 欢 千 日 恨。
未 会 此 情。
白 尽 人 头 可 得 平。
区 区 堪 比。
水 趁 浮 萍 风 趁 水。
试 望 瑶 京。
芳 草 随 人 上 古 城。
Niang Lai Fang Cun: (Jian Zi Mu Lan Hua)

Nian lai fang cun.
Shi ri you huan qian ri hen
Wei hui ci qing.
Bai jin ren tou ke de ping.

Qu qu kan bi.
Shui chen fu ping feng chen shui.
Shi wang yao jing.
Fang cao sui ren shuang fu cheng.


Nearby My Heart: (Reduced Words For the Orchid Tree Flowers)

Nearby my heart
Ten days of secluded happiness, then one thousand days of regrets
Not yet understand these emotions.
In vain, most people try to get over the passage of time.

Can endure the volatility of the trivial
Water takes advantage of floating duckweed, wind does the same with water.
Try to gaze into the distance for the jade-like capital city
Fragrant grasses follow people going away from this ancient city.


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