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Su Dongpo: Beginning of Autumn Days, Pray For Rain, Overnight in the Lingyin Temple With Misters Zhou and Xu

Beginning of Autumn Days, Pray For Rain, Overnight in the Lingyin Temple With Misters Zhou and Xu

立 秋 日 祷 雨 宿 灵 隐 寺 同 周,徐 二 令
百 重 堆 案 掣 身 闲
一 叶 秋 声 对 榻 眠。
床 下 雪 霜 侵 户 月
枕 中 琴 筑 落 阶 泉。
崎 岖 世 味 尝 应 遍
寂 寞 山 栖 老 渐 便。
惟 有 悯 农 心 尚 在
起 占 云 汉 更 芒 然。
Li Qiu Ri Dao Yu Su Ling Yin Si Tong Zhou, Xu Er Ling

Bai chong dui an che shen xian
Yi ye qiu sheng dui ta mian
Chuang xia xue shuang qin hu yue
Zhen zhong qin zhu luo jie quan.

Qi qu shi wei chang ying bian
Ji mo shan qi lao jian bian.
Wei you min yi xin shang zai
“Qi Zhan yun han” geng mang ran.


Beginning of Autumn Days, Pray for Rain, Stay Overnight in the Lingyin Temple With Misters Zhou and Xu

One hundred pages of records in a pile, I need to take a break
Autumn leaf sounds, nap on the day bed.
Awake to moonlight over snow and frost arriving through the door
Middle of the pillow, drops from a spring drip like the sounds of a qin.

I have tasted and coped with the experiences of a rough and uneven society
Solitary and lonely mountain, want to age in a place that is saturated with
leisure and simplicity.
Still have sad feelings for the farmers
Like them, I would worry too much about the weather.



Qin: Ancient stringed musical instrument played by many of the literati.

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