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Su Dongpo: Ninth Lunar Month, Han Wei Tower, Give to Xu Junyou: (Southern Village Music)

Ninth Lunar Month, Han Wei Tower, Give to Xu Junyou: (Southern Village Music)

南 乡 子: 重 九 涵 辉 楼 呈 徐 君 猷
霜 降 水 痕 收
浅 碧 鳞 鳞 露 远 洲。
酒 力 渐 消 风 力 软 飕 飕
破 帽 多 情 却 恋 头。
佳 节 若 为 酬
但 把 清 樽 断 送 秋。
万 事 到 头 是 梦 休 休。
明 日 黄 花 蝶 也 愁。
Chong Jiu Han Hui Lou Cheng Xu Jun You: (Nan Xiang Zi)

Shuang jiang shui hen shou
Qian bi lin lin lu yuan zhou.
Jiu li jian xiao feng li ruan sou sou
Po mao duo qing que lian tou.

Jia jie ruo wei chou
Dan ba qing zun duan song qiu.
Wan shi dao tou dou shi meng xiu xiu.
Ming ri huang hua die ye chou.


Ninth Lunar Month, Han Wei Tower, Give to Xu Junyou: (Southern Village Music)

Season of frost, river level drops to reveal the previous water levels
Shallow river bluish-green shiny like fish scales, dew on remote river islets.
The influence of our wine dissipating, wind’s power soft and pliable
Realize how very dry and cool it has become.

For my old broken hats, thankful that they have not left me
Let’s propose a toast at this happy festival time, hold cups of clear wine and send off the autumn.
The ten thousand tasks of life, in the end, they are all a very restful dream
Today’s sun bright with yellow flowers and butterflies, both destined to decline into sadness.



Broken hats: Su’s old friends

Double Ninth Festival: The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is celebrated in China by climbing a high mountain, drinking chrysanthemum tea and/or wine, and visiting the graves of ancestors.

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