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Wei Yingwu: Climbing a Tower

Climbing a Tower

登 楼
兹 楼 日 登 眺
流 岁 暗 蹉 跎。
坐 厌 淮 南 守
秋 山 红 树 多。
Deng Lou

Zi lou ri deng tiao
Liu sui an cuo tuo.                                                                                                                      Zuo yan huai nan shou
Qiu shan hong shu duo.


Climbing a Tower

This time I climb this tower during the daytime to gaze into the distance
The flow and drifting of the year secretly idled away.

Tired of sitting around watching over Huainan
Autumn mountains with many red leaves.



Huainan: A prefecture level city in Anhui Province.

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