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Wei Yingwu: Send Off Feng Zhu, Who Received an Appointment to Guangzhou As a High-Level Recorder From Mr. Li

Send Off Feng Zhu, Who Received an Appointment to Guangzhou As a High-Level Official Recorder From Mr. Li

送 冯 著 受 李 广 州 署 为 录 事
郁 郁 杨 柳 枝
萧 萧 征 马 悲。
送 君 灞 陵 岸
纠 郡 南 海 湄。
名 在 翰 墨 场
群 公 正 追 随。
如 何 从 此 去
千 里 万 里 期。
大 海 吞 东 南
横 岭 隔 地 维。
建 邦 临 日 域
温 燠 御 四 时。
百 国 共 臻 奏
珍 奇 献 京 师。
富 豪 虞 兴 戎
绳 墨 不 易 持。
州 伯 荷 天 宠
还 当 翊 丹 墀。
子 为 门 下 生
终 始 岂 见 遗。
所 愿 酌 贪 泉
心 不 为 磷 缁。
上 将 酬 国 士
下 以 报 渴 饥。

Song Feng Zhu Shou Li Guang Zhou Shu Wei Lu Shi

Yu yu yang liu zhi
Xiao xiao zheng ma bei.
Song jun ba ling an
Jiu jun nan nai mei.

Ming zai han mo chang
Qun gong zheng zhui sui.
Ru he cong ci qu
Qian li wan li qi.

Da hai tun dong nan
Heng ling ge di wei.
Jian bang lin ri yu
Wen yu yu si shi.

Bai guo gong zhen zou
Zhen qi xian jing shi.
Fu hao yu xing rong
Sheng mo bu yi chi.

Zhou bai he tian chong
Huan dang yi dan chi.
Zi wei men xia sheng
Zhong shi qi jian yi.

Suo yuan zhuo tan quan
Xin bu wei lin zi.
Shang jiang chou guo shi
Xia yi bao ke ji.


Send Off Feng Zhu Who Received an Appointment to Guangzhou As a High-Level Official Recorder From Mr. Li

Poplar and willow branches lush and green
On a long journey, the horses neigh their melancholy.
Send you off from the riverbanks of Baling
Heading south to work in several prefecture coastline borders.

Your name for the art of calligraphy is widely recognized
Groups of people follow your examples.
How can you leave these admirers
Over thousands of miles you will travel away.

The big ocean surrounds your new home in the southeast
From east to west, the five mountain ranges separate the land,
yet are connected underneath.
This is a region that is hot and sunny
All four seasons are either warm or hot.

One can easily travel outside to another one hundred countries
Rare objects find their way back to the capital.
This promotes warfare among the rich and powerful
Not easy to hold onto the plumb bobs of morality.

Mr. Li pretends to have the favor of heaven
Your job is to assist him to implement imperial affairs.
In our youth we studied together
From beginning to end, hope you receive no punishments.

And like in Tanquan enjoy the emerging waters
May your heart-mind never turn black.
Repay Mr. Li’s support as one of the country’s intellectuals
Later you can give back to the thirsty and hungry.



Tanquan: Located in the province of Shanxi.

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