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Du Fu: Met Li Guinian in Jiangnan

Met Li Guinian in Jiangnan

江 南 逢 李 龟 年
岐 王 宅 里 寻 常 见
崔 九 堂 前 几 度 闻。
正 是 江 南 好 风 景
落 花 时 节 又 逢 君。
Jiang Nan Feng Li Gui Nian

Qi wang zhai li xun chang jian
Cui jiu tang qian ji duo wen.                                                                                           Zheng shi jiang nan hao feng jing
Luo hua shi jie you feng jun.


Met Li Guinian in Jiangnan

He usually plays music inside the house of Qi Wang
Several times he performed inside the main hall of the Imperial Secretary.      Best time for Jiangnan, good breezes and scenery
Met you again during fallen flower time and the festivals.



Jiangnan: Literally means south of the river. Refers to the region to the south of the mouth of the Changjiang.

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