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Du Mu: Noble Pond Pavilion

Noble Pond Pavilion

贵 池 亭
倚 云 轩 槛 复 疑 秋
下 视 西 江 一 带 流。
鸟 簇 晴 沙 残 照 堕
风 回 极 浦 片 帆 收。
惊 涛 隐 隐 遥 天 际
远 树 微 微 古 岸 头。
只 此 登 攀 心 便 足
何 须 个 个 到 瀛 洲。
Gui Chi Ting

Yi yun xuan jian fu yi qiu
Xia shi xi jiang yi dai liu.
Niao cu qing sha can zhao duo
Feng hui ji pu pian fan shou.

Jing tao yin yin yao tian ji
Yuan shu wei wei gu an tou.
Zhi ci deng pan xin bian zu
He xu ge ge dao ying zhou.


Noble Pond Pavilion

Lofty balcony rests on the clouds, making summer feel like autumn
Down below, western river like one flowing belt.
Birds cluster, sunset afterglow falls upon the clean sand
Winds return, riverside sections harbor several boats.

Far into the distant horizons, great waves bring alarm
Distant trees, only a remnant of old riverside ferry landings.
One single person has climbed up, clinging heart-mind has had enough
Do not need everyone to leave for the solitude of ocean and river islets.

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