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Du Mu: On the Road to Qiu Pu

On the Road to Qiu Pu

秋 浦 途 中
萧 萧 山 路 穷 秋 雨
淅 淅 溪 风 一 岸 蒲。
为 问 寒 沙 新 到 雁
来 时 还 下 杜 陵 无。
Qiu Pu Tu Zhong

Xiao xiao shan lu qiong qiu yu
Xi xi xi feng yi an pu.                                                                                                                  Wei wen han chi xin dao yan
Lai shi huan xia du ling wu.


On the Road to Qiu Pu

Rustling wind on a bumpy mountain road, autumn rain falls
Pattering sounds, wind on the stream and levee cattails.                                          I would like to ask the geese arriving on the cold fresh sand
If I could have the time to return to Duling.



Duling: Area near the capital city of Chang’an, as well as Du’s hometown.

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