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Du Mu: Peach Blossoms Fu Ren Temple

Peach Blossoms Fu Ren Temple

题 桃 花 夫 人 庙
细 腰 宫 里 露 桃 新
脉 脉 无 言 度 几 春。
至 竟 息 亡 缘 底 事
可 怜 金 谷 坠 楼 人。
Ti Tao Hua Fu Ren Miao

Xi yao gong li lu tao xin
Mai mai wu yan du ji chun.                                                                                                    Zhi jing xi wang yuan di shi
Ke lian jin gu zhui lou ren.


Peach Blossoms Fu Ren Temple

Palace loved thin waists, inside fresh dew upon the peach trees
Her beautiful face without words for several springs.

Inevitable and eventually, the Xi nation destroyed because of the origin
and innate nature of things
In Gold Valley sympathize with her who jumped to her death from a tower.



Peach Blossoms Fu Ren Temple: Located inside the ancient kingdom of Xi, near present day Huangzhou city, province of Hubei. Named after the Xi queen.

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