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Li Qingzhao: Outside Curtains

Outside Curtains

浪 淘 沙
帘 外 五 更 风
吹 梦 无 踪。
画 楼 重 上 与 谁 同?
记 得 玉 钗 斜 拔 火
雨 润 烟 浓。
一 江 春 浪 醉 醒 中 。
留 得 罗 襟 前 日 泪
弹 与 征 鸿。
Lang Tao Sha

Lian wai wu geng feng
Chui meng wu zong.
Hua lou chong shang yu shei tong?
Ji de yu chai xie ba huo
Bao zhuan cheng kong.

Hui shou zi jin feng
Yu run yan nong.
Yi jiang chun lang zui xing zhong
Liu de luo jin qian ri lei
Dan yu zheng hong.


Outside Curtains: (Waves Wash Curtains)

Outside curtains just before the dawn wind
Blows my dreams away without a trace
Go to my painting studio, who can I share this with?
Remember when a jade hairpin was askew
Used it to stir incense ashes, awoke to an empty house.

Turn around to see the Zijin peaks
Rain and thick mists moistens
One spring river, waves sober up in between drunkenness
Keep on a laced blouse, daily tears fall on the front
Ask the geese to launch this up to my husband.



Zijin: Located on the eastern side of the city of NanjingJiangsu Province. Also known as the Purple Mountain.

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