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Li Yu: Cherry Blossoms Fall Down: (Thankful For New Kindnesses)

Cherry Blossoms Fall Down: (Thankful For New Kindnesses)

樱 花 落: 谢 新 恩
樱 花 落 尽 春 将 困
秋 千 架 下 归 时。
漏 暗 斜 月 迟 迟
花 在 枝。
(原 文 缺 字)
彻 晓 沙 窗 下
得 来 君 不 知。
Ying Hua Luo: (Xie Xin En)

Ying hua luo jin chun jiang kun
Qiu qian jia xia gui shi.
Lou an xie yue chi chi
Hua zai zhi.

(Yuan wen que zi)
Che xiao sha chuang xia
De lai jun bu zhi.


Cherry Blossoms Fall Down: (Thankful For New Kindnesses)

Cherry blossoms fall down, late spring brings on fatigue
Season to go back home after using the swings.
Hidden water clock, setting moon slow and late
Other blossoms exist on branches.

(Next lines from the original text are missing and have been lost)
At gauze windows she awaits for complete daybreak
He does not realize that she is waiting for him to arrive.

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