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Lu Yu: Solitary Meal With Wine, Think of Southern Regions

Solitary Meal With Wine, Think of Southern Regions

独 酌 有 怀 南 郑
忆 从 嶓 冢 涉 南 沮
笳 鼓 声 酣 醉 胆 粗。
投 笔 书 生 古 来 有
从 军 乐 事 世 间 无。
秋 风 逐 虎 花 叱 拔
夜 雪 射 熊 金 仆 姑。
白 首 功 名 元 未 晚
笑 人 四 十 叹 头 颅。
Du Zhuo You Huai Nan Zheng

Yi cong bo zhong she nan ju
Jia gu sheng han zui dan cu.
Tou bi shu sheng gu lai you
Cong jun yle shi shi jian wu.

Qiu feng zhu hu hua chi ba
Ye xue she xiong jin pu gu.
Bai shou gong ming yuan wei wan
Xiao ren si shi tan tou lu.


Solitary Meal With Wine, Think of Southern Regions

Recall following from Mt. Bozhong to along river bogs to the south
Marital reed pipes and drum sounds, merrily drunk and sleeping well.
I threw aside books and writing brush like others since time immemorial
Follow the army and happy times, much of society can never experience.

Autumn winds, riding our horses shouting, pursuing the bad guys
Evening snow, hunt bears with golden bows and arrows.
With white hair I have no fame, yet with a chance to show my skills not gone
Some joyful people at the age of forty still want to reach up to palace standards.



Mt. Bozhong:  Located at the headwaters of the Han River in southern Shaanxi Province.

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