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Du Mu: Send to Lizhou, and Area For Making Excellent Bamboo Flutes

Send to Lizhou, an Area For Making Excellent Bamboo Flutes, For Former Imperial Scribe Mr. Zhang

寄 澧 州 张 舍 人 笛
发 匀 肉 管 生 春 岭
截 玉 钻 星 寄 使 君。
檀 的 染 时 痕 半 月
落 梅 飘 处 响 穿 云。
楼 中 威 风 倾 冠 听
沙 上 惊 鸿 掠 水 分。
遥 想 紫 泥 封 诏 罢
夜 深 应 隔 禁 墙 闻。
Ji Li Zhou Zhang She Ren Di

Fa yun rou guan sheng chun ling
Jie yu zuan xing ji shi jun.
Tan de ran shi hen ban yue
Luo mei piao chu xiang chuan yun.

Lou zhong wei feng qing guan ting
Sha shang jing hong lue shui fen.
Yao xiang zi ni feng zhao ba
Ye shen ying ge jin qiang wen.


Send to Lizhou, an Area For Making Excellent Bamboo Flutes, For Former Imperial Scribe Mr. Zhang

Spring emerges along the mountain range, flutes make soft, harmonious sounds
Drilled holes into the local bamboo, I send this flute to you.
Wingceltis fingernail dye season, fingertips in flute holes reveal a half-moon
Laomei flute music soars to penetrate and echo among the clouds.

Put down everything, impressive music like a flying phoenix amid the towers
Around the sand, startled geese separate the water upon lift-off.
Think of you no longer having to apply the imperial seal to orders and edicts
You probably heard this music deep in the evening next to the palace walls.



Lizhou:  A city on the banks of the Liu River in north-central Guangxi Province

Laomei music: Literally means, “leave behind the remaining plum blossoms” music.

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